Thursday 10 March 2022

Tango Down AAR


Played a couple of games of Tango Down by Tiny Battle Publishing as part of my PhD research. It's a CQB Skirmish game, with about 8 people a side, all fighting it out inside a single building. I replaced the counter-sized action markers with my generic red pins, and that made it a lot easier to follow what was happening. 

My only real downer on the rules was that you were drawing special action cards on EVERY activation, which broke the flow and gave you too much stuff to play with. I adjusted it a card per side per turn, but keeping one from the previous turn. Seemed far better. 

Tango Down also has a neat way of doing activations, every unit has 2AP, but on the alternate activations you only need to use 1AP, and save 1AP for later in the turn (eg overwatch).

Once I've got my Dishdash 28mm moderns I might try and play it out in 28mm and it would make a great set of gridded skirmish rules.

My "formal" review is at

The game is available at and there's a print-and-play version on WargameVault (which is what I used) for only $15. Well worth it if you like modern skirmish.

1 comment:

  1. Great little review David- I may well just pick up the PnP version from Wargamesvult.


