Glossy hard-back ~128pp book with QRS pages at the back. Somewhat annoyingly the first ~20 pages of the book are a history of WW2 so the rules don't start til well into the book which makes it harder to find the rules. Vehicles and Buildings (and Artillery) get their own chapters, which actually makes it harder sometimes to find what you want.
As for COC - the "Probe into Fontenay" scenario from the TFL Operation Martlet pint-sized campaign. Same forces. Used the equivalent generic BA scenario to decide things like preparatory bombardment.
How It Played
Having learnt the lesson from the first attempt the Cromwell was deployed well forward with the advancing troops, so when the Germans opened fire from the industrial units the Cromwell just poured HE into them, and HE into buildings in BA is VERY effective. This allowed No.2 Section to leg it down the hedge and assault the buildings and remaining troops for minimal loss. They too some damage from the German reserve section.
Assaulting the buildings |
On the other flank it wasn't so good. Brens and the 6pdr made little impact on the Chateau. When No 1 Section tried to advance down the lane they got blown to pieces, just one man escaped back.
The Germans dispatched the PzKfw MkIV to take out the Cromwell. As it pulled off the road and fired its first round too the Cromwell out, but a PIAT lying in ambush fired back and took the Panzer out.
Dead Cromwell |
Dead Panzer |
Back on the right flank No 3 Section, the Pl Comd and the 2" mortar legged it down the hedge-line behind No.1 Section. When they got to the road the Pl Comd saw the Germans busy with No 1 Section so sent No 3 Section racing down passed the orchard and got the 2" to lay in smoke to cover them - off target but still good. No 1 section failed to do any damage on the Germans but the Germans than had a FUBAR fail on the order roll, and having seen their comrades obliterated and a British section flank them they decided to leg it home. No. 3 Section made it off the board and the scenario was over, start of Turn 6.
No. 3 Sections dashes for glory, smoke covering their rear |
Rules Impression
I'd heard so-so things about Bolt Action, and it was a very late addition to the test - I managed to pick up the rules cheap on eBay. But I have to say it gave a REALLY good game. The dice bag activation and activation rolls worked well. Firing was OK, just enough DMs. The Pl Comds extra activations seemed quite natural. Some of the building rules seemed a bit odd, as did the smoke (enemy places it if off target!). I'd be tempted to do a few house rules, for instance increasing the number of pins, differentiate Bren and MG42, randomise movement, handle split Gun Gp/Rifle Gp sections, spotting and suppression, but with those it would be a cracking set.
ENDEX - No 3 Section left, fleeing Germans right! |
For a set I nearly didn't include I think that Bolt Action is now my go-to set for this sort of game. Unlike CoC I really looked forward to the sessions with it, and would be keen to get it out again. Will be interesting to see if any other of the rules can match it. Overall 9/10.
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