Friday 26 April 2019

Combat Wait Out: Development Playtest #3 (last)

The last session of the CWO playtest was on the assault rules. Never quite been sure of them and they've changed more often than more or less anything else, but think they're about right now.

2 Pl BAOR is dug in at Repelen (top left) with 2 Pl 311MIR attacking from the front (top right), supported by 3Pl 311MIR on the flank (bottom centre).

3Pl managed to destroy 3rd Section 2Pl from sustained suppressive fire. The lead BMP stuck out in the "open" had some lucky escapes from two Milan fired from its flank off screen.

2Pl 311MIR closed, taking damage and suppression as the troops ran across the "open" ground, but their supporting BMPs kept suppressive fire up against 1 and 2 Sections, 1 Section in Repelen itself taking the most damage.

As the two sides finally came to blows the first round was inconclusive, as was the second. But the attrition built up, with first one of the Soviet sections falling back (top right), and then finally the two remaining British sections (bottom left), leaving the Soviets to occupy the village. With that I decided to call the playtest to an end.

At first I thought the melee rules were not aggressive enough, but with each turn being only a minute or so, then 3-4 minutes of full-on combat  to clear the weakened platoon from the hamlet and wood seems not bad, and it was by attrition and the platoon slipping away once the position was untenable, so not bad I think.

So overall I'm really happy with this latest iteration of CWO, and I think there are only a few tweaks needed to make it ideal (for me!). The next test of it will be WW2 North Africa, and then some time in the autumn I'll try and do an all-arms MRR attack against a BAOR BattleGroup. And of course I've now got some 10mm Moderns to try it out with too!

However this table, which remember started life as Adwalton Moor in 20mm, is still not finished as I picked up Sabre Squadron at Salute so I'm going to keep this scenario running, but with the fight out from Repelen onto the third line of the BAOR defence run on Sabre Squadron.

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