Tuesday 28 April 2020

Percheron Paper Dropship - and Onager APC

I'm busy augmenting my Albedo forces with vehicles, and in the absence of a 3D printer or the budget for "proper" 28mm models I've decided to try my hand at some paper/card models. There's a great site at Genet Models which has a great range of 28mm SF kit.

My first attempt was their Onager tracked APC which looks like its come straight out of SHADO or any other Gerry Anderson series.

Next up was the Percheron Dropship, an ideal stand-in for the LARCs in Albedo.

These are early days for me with this type of model, but at a distance they certainly play the part. I'll try and tidy the models, a bit of trimming and colouring at the edges, more tightly sticking the seams so they bare a bit closer scrutiny, but they are certainly doing what I need and any deficiency is certainly in the quality of my build rather than the quality of the print and design, which is superb. Well recommended.


  1. If you're interested in more paper models to use, check out one of my favorite sites:
