In October/November I've started on my Battalion-level mega rules test for mechanised rules. I started with those rules aimed primarily at WW2. I set up the Cristot scenario from O Group and played it through with 3 different rules sets, plus my own. As previously noted many of the Coy level rules - see - would also work at Bn, as will some of the Bde level ones in due course.
Since most of my time is being sucked up by the PhD I've just done this one omnibus, note form, post for the playthroughs. The Modern Battalion rules should be tested 1H24.
TLDR: O Group is the set to go for!
O Group
108pp soft-back, 4pp QRS
How It Played
- Germans deployed well fwd, with A/T gun trained on road and PzrSchrk team in wood by road.
- British went for a broad advance, but A Coy (W) hesitant at start.
- On E flank B Coy came under fire fm farm, laid smoke, moved across neighbouring field and into MG ambush. Never really recovered initiative as battle focussed on W
- Once A coy got act together advanced to wood line, but 3 Pl sent home by en fire. 2 Pl stormed the farm house, took flanking fire but go through, and after couple of rounds melee took farmhouse.
- German I. Coy tried to counter but pl defeated by fire and pulled back to wood. Germans deploy res pl and MG team into wood. Firefight with farm whilst British move 1 Pl up and Carrier Pl to enfilade the wood
- Meantime Sherman/Cromwell tps move up, but hit by the A/T ambush. The 2nd troop lasts longer, Panther Pl deployed, fires and misses, and PzrShrck firing on flank gets the final kill
- German II Coy pushes fwd W of the road against minimal opposition, risking flanks of both British thrusts
- Germans bring down mortar fire on farm, but twice get OOA. British take several turns to get Fires, but finally bring down couple of turns fire on the woods, which combined with the MG fire finally starts to get KIAs and I Coy effectively wiped out.
- Called time. ~Turn 10/16. Probably still in balance but unlikely that Brits would get 50% of Cristot in another 6 turns, esp with II Coy fwd
- really emphasises bn level
- simple die rolls (everything is 4+), rolls+DMs easily memorable
- shock->suppression->KIA takes time to build up - realistic (in some cases)?
- quite abstract rolls (but Bn)
- confusing terms (orders, unit etc)
- Index, but page numbers hidden in spine
- not 100% logical layout
Possible Improvements
- Smoke on any arty/mortar impact squares and no other firing into before or after
- 4+ for opportunity so 50:50?
- Coy morale?
- Use a Suppress markers once get to 3 shock for less clutter and to emphasise
- Redeploy of sp wpns?
- Use tanks as individuals not sections? Else put on larger bases to emphasise.
Really nice set of rules. Certainly preferred them to Chain of Command and think the way that the patrol bases works is really good and well worth stealing. The set to beat at this level? 9/10.