
Friday 22 April 2022

Battle of Hue - AAR


Battle of Hue by Tiny Battle Publishing is the last of their print and play games I bought for playtest at the start of the PhD. I also knew nothing about Hue when I started, but I've since read the chapter in DiMarco, the Osprey book and have Mark Bowden's magnum ops on the bookshelf. Hue has 8 entries on my urban wargames database, second only to Stalingrad, so I may well get to know a lot more about it!

This Hue game is based on TBP's Battle for Ramadi - see my review. It adds some extra complexity, some of which is good. The biggest change though is that you have to attack or suppress every hex you are adjacent to, and with little Fires at the start it's a very tough job. Not sure it adds to the overall experience.

You can read the full review at: