
Thursday 30 June 2016

Rebasing Napoleonics

There is a grand plan to refight Waterloo in 2021 (mine and Nick's 60th), and having enjoyed the couple of 20mm SLS games in the spring on a Hexon terrain I've bitten the bullet and started rebasing all my old plastic 20mm from 6x4 on 4cm bases to 6x3 on 3cm bases. Some of the figures at the back are almost 40 years old!

Mind you my brother has drawn the short straw and is painting up the whole of the Prussian Army from scratch!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday 28 June 2016

British Battle Stats

Went to an interesting talk for work today at the Digital Humanities Hub at the University of Birmingham. It was by a guy doing his PhD (name to follow) who was doing spatial statistical analysis on all the battles fought on British soil. The graph above shows for each century the average difference in heights across the battlefields, and the columns at right shows the average across all locations in the UK. The simple message being that most British battles were fought on relatively flat ground!

Europe Rallies Round

In a show of solidarity battalions from across Europe rally around Britain in defiance of the BREXIT vote!

Monday 27 June 2016

Shire Publications Rulesets - My First Wargame Rules

My brother (also a wargamer) let me have back my first two wargaming rule books which he'd kindly been looking after in his vast wargame books collection (even bigger than mine) for the last couple of decades.

The books were published in 1969 (reprinted 1971) and 1971. I've written class 1C in the back, so that means 1972, which is about right as I think I had my first wargame in 1970/71 just before leaving primary school. For those not familiar with Shire Publications there usual books were on things like old pub signs and toll houses of Britain, but they did quite a few military books. The books are 60-70 pages and a bit smaller than A5 in size.

Discovering Wargames by John Tunstill is very much an overview, but gives a very good summary of a lot of key wargaming ideas and example rules for Ancient, Medieval and Horse & Musket, and pointers for later periods.

Rules for Wargames by Arthur Taylor is the one I think we used the most. It has rules for ECW, Lace Wars, Napoleonic, ACW, Mechanised, C18 Naval, Modern Naval (really WW2, pre Exocet), and WW1 Aerial.

The rules certainly gave a good game back in the day, and very tempted to give a few of them a try again for old times sake.

Thursday 23 June 2016

Battle of Bosworth - Battle Report

Norfolk's van advances up to the lane and weakens De Vere's Van

Turns 1-2

Richard goes straight into the advance. Initially it looks like carnage as his archers score 4 hits against a Lancastrian archer unit in the first round, wiping it out, but then I remember that you have to cross reference hits with troop quality to get a result - just a flee (2 hex), disruption and single stand (25%) loss.

The next two turns see exchanges of missile fire up and down the line as Richard marches forward. No penalty for moving and firing in the same turn. The fact that fire happens for both sides on both sides's phases (so twice a turn) take some getting used to - but the results all look OK now with several units falling back, disrupted but no lasting damage. You certainly notice the difference between the 8+ of the hand-gunners and the 6+ of retinue archers - at least against soft targets (like levy archers). Time to pull the handgunners back and save them for men-at-arms!

The artillery on both sides is exchanging long and short range fire but with little effect - again about par for the course.

The movement mechanism works well and is almost identical to Steady Lads Steady, so penetration is OK and units can exchange positions with other units as part of their move. The command and control model (3 hex range) is good to, and far easier to manage with hexes than say a 9" radius. Both Oxford and Norfolk can keep to the middle of their lines and control them - and certainly stops you over-extending. Twice though Henry has been disrupted due to fleeing (really retreating) units coming back though him - something that would certainly cause issues for a General when actively engaged.

On the East flank the French contingent is putting on pressure but taking disruption

Turns 3-6

De Vere's archers try to hold off the Ricardian advance
Welsh spearmen on their flank

The firing on Richards left flank has left a Lancastrian archer unit stranded by the marsh. The concentrated fire of two Yorkist archer units manages to inflict 3 damage (not just hits) and sends it into oblivion - the first whole unit lost. This clears the way for Norfolk to shuffle the whole of the van to the right to better deal with the French creeping up on that flank, and perhaps clear the way for Richard to charge through as it seems he did in reality to try and take Henry on in personal combat.

Henry's forces taking a battering, a unit of archers flees in the foreground
Smoke puff = stand lost, red marker = disrupted

In the West Norfolk continues to keep the French at bay, and even push them back. However the front is now too wide for him to manage so Richard has to come forward to take control of the right wing, leaving his own battle standing behind under Northumberland. It highlights that at least for the 1st line you need two generals not one in order to maintain full control - and in a pick up battle there would be an interesting choice between points on generals to give flexibility vs points on troops.

Milanese handgunners and Norfolk's archers push forward

In the centre Norfolk's push forward continues, with more of Henry's units being forced to recoil, and take the odd stand lost. Getting real damage on units from missile fire is hard, and even when you get disruption its removed before the enemy gets their next fire - which seems a bit too soon. Eventually though Norfolk's men-at-arms get to within melee range of some of De Vere's archers (I keep having to remember they only need to be adjacent, not move onto the enemy hex). At first it looks like its a complete destruction of the archers, but then I remember that since De Vere is with them they get an extra D6, which is enough to reduce the annihilation to a recoil (a bit of a big swing, and only rolled a 3!).

Burgundian Pike/Spear men on the W flank await Richard's assault

After 6 turns (2 hours? No explicit time conversion is given but since we're at the same basic scale as SLS this seems reasonable), it looks like the opening phase is over and we're getting ready for the main match. De Vere has now been pushed back hard against Henry's Main battle, so that needs to get involved now in the fight. For Richard Norfolk's troops have gained ground, but not inflicted too much damage, but are now to spread out and out of puff themselves to destroy De Vere's Van, and certainly not Henry's Main. So time for Richard to pull back from the W flank enough to bring his Main forward.

End of Turn 6 - Norfolk's MAA in centre having not followed up to keep the line

Turns 7- 11

Norfolk's forces pushed relentlessly forwards, inflicting recoils but few stand losses, but enough to keep pushing Henry's line back. On the West flank a unit of French pike (4 melee+4 impact!) caused havoc within the missile units of Richard's flank, and Richards need to be there to control units stopped him from taking the lead in the centre - a job left to Norfolk.

Forces come to blows in the centre, but the French push forward at left

As Richard's archers and handgunners inflict and push back Henry's mounted MAA Richard sees his chance, and just like the real battle calls his own mounted MAA to push forward alongside the marsh and engage their opposite numbers. The melee stalemates in the first round, Henry's personal presence (2D6 not 1D6) not enough to swing the melee.

With both main battles engaged Henry takes the chance to call on the Stanleys. Henry is one down in lost units so rolls at -1, a 5 is rolled, modified gives a 4 - so Stanley stays put.

In the next turn Norfolk decides to through his dismounted MAA into the melee against Henry. Now 2 units to 1 and a General's 2D6 on both sides the Yorkists inflict a push back, but not enough to damage Henry.

Norfolk joins the melee against Henry and his men-at-arms

Henry makes another call to the Stanleys. The rampaging pike have taken another scalp, but Richard's archers have evened the score, so its still a -1 roll. This time the roll is 2, modified to 1, so the Stanley's reckon that Henry's number is up and begin to mobilise for Richard.

Henry fights for his life in the bottom right

Richard's own position is looking perilous though. Floating free on the west flank he suddenly finds the French pike bearing down on him as they rout some Yorkist archers. It's not too clear from the rules whether Richard can escape/disengage from them next turn or has to fight a personal melee (not good as they roll on 12+D6 against his 2D6!).

Richard's looking at risk as French pike bear down on him

However before it can come to that the next round of the main MAA melee happens and Norfolk finally rolls high, eliminating Henry's men-at-arms, and with them Henry. It's Henry who gets to cry for his horse as the blows of the Yorkist swords and maces reign down on him.

The victorious Yorkist men-at-arms


With Henry dead and Stanley already declared for Richard (just in time), and Northumberland still standing by for orders Richard is in a strong position. Both sides had lost 3 units (excepting the final MAA), and had similar damage elsewhere. Richard would no doubt have spent the next few weeks mopping up the remaining Lancastrians before returning in triumph. The Tudor era would not have been, no Stuarts, and possibly no Civil War. And a certain car park in Leicester would have remained totally unremarkable.

A long shot looking to the West of the final positions
Northumberland and Stanley still in place
Considering the battle Henry probably defended too far back, and when he was pushed back should have immediately thrown his main battle into the fight to try and bring Stanley in. As it was he ended up with just no room to manoeuvre.

A View on the Rules

Overall I really liked the rules. Quite simple and straightforward, quick to play but giving a good game that felt realistic. It was interesting how many even minor bits are the same as I have in SLS, even down too things like interpenetration and retreat moves being +1 on a normal move to stop the victor chasing you straight down.

There were a few bits I think I'd be tempted to tweak though:
  • Melees happen when a unit tries moves onto the hex of another unit - as often it was not to clear if adjacent units were in melee
  • Disruption appears to have a very minor effect. I think it should last to the end of the unit's next turn, not til after the move phase, and it should have an effect on melee - amazed it doesn't - perhaps the same 1/2 stand number as firing.
  • Odd that armour class effects firing but not melee - think I'd be tempted to apply a -1 for A1, -2 for A2 on the opposition.

The command and control worked really nicely though. Certainly my medieval rule set of choice though, and its next outing may be in some form of medieval campaign later in the year.

Scenario Mechanic

I also liked the scenario mechanic for what happens to Northumberland and the Stanleys. The fact that the two leaders can choose the right moment to call them forward when the casualty difference is in their favour certainly means that the decision becomes a tactical one, rather than a purely random one, and also hints at the bigger strategic picture. Not sure the mechanism would work well for Napoleonics (except Saxons or recalcitrant Austrians) or ECW (not much on field treachery), but ideal for Medieval. In a campaign setting you could even have loyalty ratings/DMs for each faction, and maybe even make the points value of uncertain troops cheaper - so a small army of dedicated fighters or a large force that might fall apart or even turn on you if you don't keep winning.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Battle of Bosworth - Troops on the Table

Mike Ingram's book presents the following deployment for each of the battles and artillery for either side.

Bosworth Deployment Zones
And with the troops on the table it looks like this:

The broad view looking North

A birds-eye view look West

Henry Tudor looking towards the Ricardian line

Burgundian crossbowmen with Richard behind

De Vere's billmen have a good view of the advancing Yorkists beyond Fenn Lane Farm

Well, there's nothing for it now but to play the battle - game on!

Battle of Bosworth - Deployment and OOB

Bosworth - Possible Deployments for Richard's Army


Even though the location of the battle is now known there is still no certainty about how the forces were deployed. Richard was coming from the NE, and Henry from the SW. Most of the finds (cannon and handgun balls) have been found around the area of Fen Hole Marsh, in a rough lozenge running SW and NE from the marsh - so we know the troops fought around here.

Foard and Curry's Bosworth 1485: Battlefield Revisited gives Richard deployments as either A (facing W) or B (facing SE). Their preference is for A as although B is anchored on its R flank by the Fowlismere lake (just off the table to the N), it probably doesn't give Richard enough room to deploy his battles - although it does keep his guns on the low ground where the ball can bounce further.

Mike Ingram's Battle Story:Bosworth 1485 suggests C (facing S) where Richard is stopped from taking the ridge by Stanley's men already there, and so goes past the marsh and then swing S to face Henry. Since as mentioned Mike provides a better overall battle narrative than Foard and Curry I'm going to go with Mike's option.

Size and Composition

For battles of this period we tend to have no accurate records of troop numbers and orbats. Indeed for Bosworth and other battles estimates can vary by as much as x2 to x6! Generally current estimates are a lot lower than the figures that were historically taken as correct, and Bosworth is no exception. Both books agree that the rough strengths were around:

  • Henry Tudor: 5500 (including about 1000 French, plus some Scots, and loads of Welsh)
  • Stanley: 1500
  • Richard: 8500
These are down even on some of the first estimates I was looking at a year ago, so I have more than enough figures in hand at 1 unit = 500 men (15500 men total, 31 units in total).

In terms of composition the following is my reading of the two sources:
  • Men-at-arms: About 1 in 5 units, with Richard having more than Henry, but about the same as Henry+Stanley. Some of them must have been mounted so that Richard could make his charge (and cry "My horse, my horse" etc).
  • Billmen: A good number on both sides
  • Archers: More proportionally on Henry's side, but even so possibly he has less than Richard given his smaller army
  • Cross-Bow: On both sides, and dominant weapon of Henry's French contingent
  • Hand Gunners: Some on both sides, a lot of the archaeological evidence is handgun shot. More on Richard's side than Henry.
  • Spearmen: A lot on both sides. Henry had Welsh and Scots levies, Richard put his more uncertain troops (more Levies) with Northumberland in the Rear Battle.
  • Pike: It sounds like the French contingent on Henry's side may have had Pike to support the cross-bows
  • Hobilars: There was some Scottish horse on Henry's side
  • Artillery: Large calibre guns on both sides, and good archaeological finds of cannon balls.
Several statements (even in the same book) seem contradictory, so rather than spend forever trying to be "right" it's best to just make a sensible choice that balances historical record and gameability and go for it!

Order of Battle

Given the numbers and composition notes above, and a rough 1 unit = 500 men, in the end I decided to go with:

  • Henry Tudor
    • Van (De Vere)
      • 1 x Bill
      • 3 x Longbow
      • 1 x Spear
    • Main (Henry)
      • 1 x MMAA
      • 1 x DMAA
      • 1 x Bill
      • 1 x Longbow
    • Left Flank (French)
      • 1 x Crossbow
      • 1 x Pike
      • 1 x Spear (Scots)
      • 1 x Hobilar (Scots)
  • Stanley
    • 1 x DMAA
    • 1 x Bill
    • 1 x Longbow
  • Richard
    • Van (Norfolk)
      • 1 x DMAA
      • 1 x Bill
      • 3 x Longbow
      • 2 x Crossbow
      • 1 x Hand-gun
    • Main (Richard)
      • 1 x MMAA
      • 1 x DMAA
      • 2 x Bill
      • 2 x Longbow
    • Rear (Northumberland)
      • 1 x Bill
      • 2 x Spear
Both sides have 2 guns.

For comparison there are some other wargaming OOBs at:

Special Rules

The final piece is some special rules for what happens to Northumberland (who did not get involved in reality) and Staley (who did, on Henry's side). Daffy Doug in the TMP thread above had some nice rules which I've developed as follows:

Northumberland - Richard cannot call him forward until at least one unit of Richard's Main battle is engaged in melee. When Richard does call him forward Northumberland must role 4+ on D6 to join Richard, else he leaves the field. DM of +1 for each of Henry's units eliminated, and -1 for each of Richard's eliminated. Always leaves on a natural roll of 1 and always joins on a natural roll of 6.
Stanleys - Neither side can call him forward until at least one unit of Richard and Henry's Main battles are engaged in melee (not necessarily with each other). When called forward Stanley must roll D6 and modifies with a DM of +1 for each of Richard's units eliminated, and -1 for each of Henry's eliminated. DM+1 if Northumberland has left the field, -2 if he's joined Richard.

Joins Richard on a natural roll of 1 and joins Henry on a natural roll of 6. Otherwise for the modified roll:
  • 1 or less: Joins Richard
  • 2, 3 or 4: Stays put, may test again next turn
  • 5 or more: Joins Henry
All these rolls must be made the beginning of the calling side's command phase.

Monday 20 June 2016

Battle of Bosworth - Rules and Terrain

"Old" and "New" locations for the Battle of Bosworth
The War of the Roses has been an increasing fascination for me. I visited the "old" Bosworth site about 11 years ago, and the BBC's White Queen series and the odd Shakespeare play have served to stoke the fires. So having finished my second batch of 6mm WOTR Baccus figures it's time to have a crack at wargaming the battle. The hope is to then do other WOTR and 100 Year War battles, and campaigns for both periods.

The Rules

The first thing to sort are the rules. Having played DBA, Impetus and Sword & Spear last year I'd decided the latter was the best of the bunch, although not without problems. I therefore decided to have another look at what was available in the "big battle" category (at about 500 men per unit), and saw mention of Hordes and Heroes (the Hexon/Kallistra house set). Seeing as I was going to be playing this on either my 40mm hexes of Hexon 100mm hexes (and with a preference for the latter seeing as it is a lot easier to create a layout that matches the real topography) then it would be great if they worked out. I had a quick read through (and in fact found I'd downloaded them a year ago) and all seemed OK, so I've decided to give them a try.

Ground Scale

The reason for sorting rules first was needing to know the ground scale. Hordes and Heroes (H&H) gives no explicit ground scale. However bow range is 2 hexes, and artillery range is 7 hex, so 1 hex = 100m seems about right.  If a unit occupies 1 hex that means a frontage of 100m, so 100 files. Medieval units had about 3-6 ranks (and not the ordered ranks of Napoleonics), so that gives a unit strength of 300-600, just about what I want.

Terrain Layout

The Battle of Bosworth Terrain
 With a ground scale sorted it was time to layout the battle. Even though there appears to be good agreement based on the archaeological evidence (see Foard and Curry's Bosworth 1485: Battlefield Revisited) of the general location of the new battlefield, there do appear to be conflicting views as to deployments and orientation. For this wargame I've gone with that in Mike Ingram's Battle Story:Bosworth 1485 - which from a wargaming perspective actually gives a better description of the battle than the Foard and Curry book (as well as having been written in that weird liminal period between moving the battle and the discovery of Richard III's body).

The hex table is about 18 hex x 12 hex, i.e. 1.8km by 1.2km in the 100m=1hex ground scale. Slightly tight, but not too bad.

Henry Tudor will be defending from the S, whilst Richard attacks from the N.

Key terrain features are:
  • Fenn Lane, running WSW to ENE
  • Fenn Hole marsh, which anchors Henry's right flank
  • Fenn Lane Farm in the centre of the lane, no real obstacle or defensive point
  • The ridge running across the SE corner, which in reality extends further NE off the table before swinging round to the NW and becoming the Ambion Hill of the "old" battle site
  • The villages of Stoke Golding and Dadlington on the ridge
  • The hillock known as Crown Hill, where supposedly Henry was crowned after the battle

Next posting, the Order of Battle and Deployment.

Friday 17 June 2016

Late Medieval Army - Tranche 2

Destined to fight its way through the War of the Roses and the Hundred Years War my second tranche of Baccus 6mm Late Medievals was completed this last month - just need flags and unit labels. I should now have enough to do all major WOTR/100YW battles at 1:33, possibly even 1:15.

First up later this month will be Bosworth, and I also just bought the Anne Curry book ready for Agincourt next year.

Four early artillery pieces with dismounted men-at-arms and hobilars behind (just love hobilars). (even more so after Salute where whilst browsing the Lance and Longbow stand - and buying an excellent book on WOTR Livery - I overheard some guy asking about Lord of the Rings stuff - he mistook hobilars for hobbits!)

Richard III mounted men-at-arms retinue.

The third tranche next year will be mostly French mounted men-at-arms!

Thursday 16 June 2016

Chain of Command - Club Game

View up the table, British this end, Germans at far end

Courtesy of Paul and Jim I had another chance to play Chain of Command at the club on Friday night. Jim set the game up, 28mm Brits vs Germans around Market Garden, with me playing the Brits and Paul the Germans.

Paul was meant to be defending a pill box and road junction, with me attacking. We only did one move of the hidden markers - not sure that was right - so there was a distance between us at the start. Luckily Paul pushed forward rather than wait for me so the gap was rapidly closed. My Vickers managed to inflict some nice damage on his infantry on my left flank. In the centre I sent a section up along the hedgerow but the came under grenade attack from the Germans in the scrub behind the wall.

Tommy's advance along the hedgrow

Since it was only an evening game I decided on a death or glory up my left flank where I'd already weakened him, but took casualties crossing the open ground when he played turn end to remove all the smoke I'd put out as cover. My second section then charged through into the wood and his MG34 team, but came off by far the worst. With only one active section left (and the Vickers) it was time to call game over.

So on the second play through I think most of my comments from the play test stand. A dedicated set of command dice and a better organised playsheet would make life a lot easier, and the combat mechanics still seemed pretty sound (although the bucket of dice approach throws up odd results too often for my liking).

The biggest issue though is the scenario settings. The scenarios are meant to be for evenly matched forces, but for real if you had the choice the attacker wouldn't take the combat. We were taught that if a section meets an MG nest its probably a platoon attack. Likewise if a platoon meets another platoon then that platoon forms the firebase whilst the company's other platoons for the assault force (although I understand current doctrine is for a straight-up-the-middle approach rather than left-flanking, bags of smoke). In most of these scenarios the "attacker" really needs double the force to make it an even fight, if they had triple the force then it would (should) be too easy.

I think there is also an issue with mechanised wargames that you do pretty soon get paralysed by the damage inflicted by machine guns, so troops (quite realistically) cower down provide hard cover until either kicked into action or indirect fire support can be brought in to clear the way for them - which may not be much of a wargame.

Overall whilst I think I'll play a few more platoon level games (and still want to try the modern version of CoC (Fighting Season) when it comes out, and some similar level SF games (even the rumoured SF CoC) I think that modern games may best be played at a higher level, with Platoon manoeuvre units and less focus on individual soldiers and cover and more on indirect fire missions.

Chain of Command Playtest

Initial deployments, British on the left, Germans on the right

I've been after trying out Chain of Command for ages since everyone seems to rate it highly, and whilst Skirmish Sangin was fun I'm really looking for a "large skirmish" ruleset where you're tracking damage on squads and teams rather than individual solders - so CoC should fit the bill.

I've got some old Airfix Brits and Germans that I refurbished a decade or so ago, a platoon of each, so that's OK. Since I already had a terrain set up for Skirmish Sangin I decided to use that, and pretend that it was a small Greek village in Crete, some time in May 1941 when the Germans invaded. That meant the Germans ought to be Fallschirmjäger, but to avoid making the battle too one sided I decided to treat them as regulars not elites. I chose the "Patrol" scenario out of the CoC book with each side advancing from opposite table edges.

The CoC pre-deployment phase moving the markers around worked really well and certainly means that you start right in the middle of the battle - nice feature.

Both sides deployed 2 sections on the N side of the road, and one on the S side. German sections had two MG34s, against the single Bren in British ones. To even things up the Brits had a 2" mortar and a Universal Carrier with another Bren. The Germans had a Panzerfaust - which wasn't going to be much use!

German MG34 team dominates the ground

The Germans quickly got their MG34 teams up onto the building tops in order to dominate the ground. The Brits took casualties as they tried to do the same, and then there was some rooftop to rooftop shooting, with the Germans maintaining the upper hand. The German 2nd Squad on the south tried to push down the back alley, but took hits from a British MG on the rooftop, but so did the British rifle section just the other side of the alley wall from the MG34. Eventually the Bren was routed by the MG34, and Rifle section also pushed back, and then an initial rush by the German squad forced the Brits to withdraw back.

The Germans push forward through the southern alley, Brits retreating left

On the N side things were in more of  a stalemate, with the Brits unkeen on dashing across the side road in sight of the N MG34 team. The Germans who had advanced through the olive grove also felt the same way - but then came under accurate 2" mortar fire so took casualties anyway and pulled back.

The German commander then decided to rapidly switch flanks, so push his reserve section across the main road to the S side. They moved rapidly through the German section already there and charged straight into the recovering Brits who routed off the board.

As Germans push L in south, Brits push R in the north

With British Morale rapidly falling to danger levels (it was at 5) it was time for a death or glory action so the British sections finally charged across the side road into the olive grove, and on through that and onto the waiting Germans. Not a good move as the MG34 helped bolster the German defence and all the Brits were wiped out. The Germans took losses, but not catastrophic. The Brits played a Chain of Command dice to avoid a Morale test, but realistically it was game over as they only had one functional section left.

The final melee, Brits charge through the olive grove onto the waiting Germans

So, thoughts?

Overall not a bad set, firing system was nice and simple, and so was the melee system. 2" mortars seemed too effective as they had a direct fire error not an indirect one. The effect of 6s was nice (especially double turn on double 6), and the 5s to save up for the CoC Dice (WHY are they called dice - they aren't, their just special command pips) was OK - although the options with them weren't that impressive (although causing turn end to rout damaged units appears an obvious trick). Mental gymnastics though were required to remember the effects of 1s (team), 2s (section) , 3s (junior leader) and 4s (senior leader),  and who could do what as a result. Investing in dedicated dice sounds a good idea - but overall it did strike me as almost too artificial.

One thing I didn't like was that often it was better to take killed men rather than shock - even though as squad numbers reduce the relative ratio does move you to closer to being pinned. I'd  have thought you ought to take shock as well as a kill to re-inforce the deteriorating morale (or perhaps that's just the result of playing Skirmish Sangin where any casualty meant you moved into casevac mode!).

The random element to movement worked well, but another bit I wasn't too keen on was the lack of any proper suppressive fire mechanism. I never got the chance to use covering fire, which I suppose if the closest, but I do feel that you should be able to choose whether you're just trying to put rounds down the range to keep heads down, or firing in a more measured way to make kills.

Luckily I got a chance to play another game of CoC down at the club just as this one was finishing, so a chance to check whether my impressions would change with a second game and a real opponent.